Law of the Budget of the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat) for 2015.

Law of the Budget of the  Government of Catalonia (Generalitat) for 2015.
The Law includes the detail of the income and expenditure of the entities that are part of the public sector of the Generalitat and other related information.
The 2015 budget approved by the Catalan Parliament rose by 4.2% compared to 2014. This increase is largely due to the recovery of the extra pay of public workers and full-time and temporary staff remuneration. Expenditure needs this year are at 22.481M.
Despite the economic recovery, the resources available to the Generalitat for this exercise not only did not increase, but receding compared to 2013. The deficit target set by the State in 2015 is 0.7%, 53% less in 2013. Therefore, the resources available this 2015 stood at 19.981M, 2,500m less than those required to cover the expenditure projections for the year.

-Complementary law to the of the Budget of the Government of Catalonia

One of the most important points of this Act is estimate to raise 13.1 million euros with the creation of eight new rates, modifying existing 32.

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