Modification of the community regulation on entry, free traffic and residence in Spain of citizens of the members states of the European Union

Last Monday, the Royal Decree 987/2015 modified the Royal decree 240/2007 of February 16, on entry, free traffic and residence in Spain of the citizens of the members states of the European Union and the other States included in the Agreement on the Economic European Space. The new legal text extends the concept of the family of the community citizen to relative who accompanies or meets the citizen of the Union and is in charge or lives with them, or for serious motives of health needs personal care.

Furthermore, this modification spreads the application of the present regulation to common law partner couples as long as they can prove their relationship. Therefore, they shall demonstrate the existence of a lasting link, for instance living together for a year, except if they have children, in this case it will be enough to prove the stable conviviality without any term.

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