Modification of the Penal Code on Related Crimes Terrorism

The Security Council Resolution 2178 United Nations, adopted on 24 September 2014, collects the deep concern of the international community because of upsurge of terrorist activity and the intensification of attacks in All Regions of the World.

This “Ley Orgánica modifica el Capítulo VII del título XXII del libro II de la Ley Orgánica 10/1995, de 23 de noviembre, del Código Penal”, so that the rigor of criminal Response to Crimes Against tombs as contemplated,: Besides Modalities of Terrorism already known, The New Threats That appears from.

 The new law punishes "with imprisonment of maximum waiting time " than the rest of the staff of the terrorist organization that will kill a person and introduce the offense of passive indoctrination to those one who consult jihadist websites with the aim of a band membership or pursue their fines. 

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