Spain will take in around 2.739 refugees in order to
ease the humanitarian and migration crisis. In this way Mariano Rajoy has
annouced that Spain will accept this amount of
people under the condition that European Union promises that will adopt
measures to control refugees situation and the chaos that the European Border,
specially Greece, Italy and Hungary, are suffering.
However, the European Comission, requested Spain a
larger amount, so that the Spanish President guaranteed that “the numbers of
refugees could increase, but it won’t take place until Italy and Greece start
builiding up refugee’s centres, where it would be possible to distinguish from
refugees to people who leave their conutries for economic reasons.
Furthermore, he highlighted that Spain has been
working hard on inmigration issues and that now is Greece and Italy’s duty. On
the other hand, the German Chancellor claimed that it is necessary that the EU
adopt a common asylum policy in order to set these centres up and define a list
of secure countries.
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