The Process of ERE must be negotiated by all Unions

During a Record of Employment Regulation (ERE, all sections of the unions, must be present at the negotiations, although decisions have already deliberate. This was established by the Supreme Court in its judgment of July 22, 2015 , to ensure that "we must ensure the presence of unions in the deliberative body", also he notes that "cannot be relegated to some union locals because they have previously maintained a constructive attitude".
The Magistrate's ruling, said that "if the procedure is intended to have general effects on the affected company cannot do without in any union section" In the same way, nor can be set aside if "presented demand for labor dispute separately or have the chance to join the eventual agreement is reached to finish the procedure. "

Law 5/2015 of 27 April, to promote business financing

The new rule about business financing is twofold: first, to provide greater accessibility and flexibility of bank financing to PYMES, so that bank credit to recover; and, second, to deepen alternative means of financing.
First, inalienable rights are established for PYMES as it pertains to the cancellation or reduction of the flow of cancellation by the banks: the right to notice when the entity has the intention not to extend, terminate or reduce more 35% of the flow of funding and the right to refer to the entity reports Financial PYMES with information about your financial situation and credit risk assessment.

Second, the bond issue scheme is modified in limited liability companies:

He removed the cap on emissions in force until now, whereby corporations and partnerships limited by shares could not issue bonds beyond their own resources. Moreover, the prohibition on limited companies issuing bonds is removed, although a number of safeguards are introduced to avoid excessive borrowing. In addition, the requirement to form a union of bondholders, which until now was mandatory for any issuer established in Spain is rationalized. So, it determined to reform the constitution of the union in terms of the revised text of the Capital Companies Act, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010 of July 2, will be mandatory in those situations where it is necessary to ensure adequate protection of the Spanish investor. Besides deleted prerequisite broadcast announcement in the Official Bulletin of the Commercial Registry.

In addition to other outstanding elements, we believe that regulation of participatory platforms financing ("crowfunding") is an important element. Title V establishes for the first time a legal framework for participatory financing platforms, covering the activities commonly referred to as "crowdfunding". These platforms, which constitute a novel mechanism of financial disintermediation developed on the basis of new technologies, have grown very significantly in recent years. The "crowdfunding" is a phenomenon with various manifestations, but it is only intended to regulate here the figures in which prime the financial component of the activity or, in other words, in which the investor expects to receive monetary compensation for their participation, thus leaving outside the scope of this standard to "crowdfunding" instrumented through purchases or donations.

Law of the Budget of the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat) for 2015.

Law of the Budget of the  Government of Catalonia (Generalitat) for 2015.
The Law includes the detail of the income and expenditure of the entities that are part of the public sector of the Generalitat and other related information.
The 2015 budget approved by the Catalan Parliament rose by 4.2% compared to 2014. This increase is largely due to the recovery of the extra pay of public workers and full-time and temporary staff remuneration. Expenditure needs this year are at 22.481M.
Despite the economic recovery, the resources available to the Generalitat for this exercise not only did not increase, but receding compared to 2013. The deficit target set by the State in 2015 is 0.7%, 53% less in 2013. Therefore, the resources available this 2015 stood at 19.981M, 2,500m less than those required to cover the expenditure projections for the year.

-Complementary law to the of the Budget of the Government of Catalonia

One of the most important points of this Act is estimate to raise 13.1 million euros with the creation of eight new rates, modifying existing 32.

Modification of the Penal Code on Related Crimes Terrorism

The Security Council Resolution 2178 United Nations, adopted on 24 September 2014, collects the deep concern of the international community because of upsurge of terrorist activity and the intensification of attacks in All Regions of the World.

This “Ley Orgánica modifica el Capítulo VII del título XXII del libro II de la Ley Orgánica 10/1995, de 23 de noviembre, del Código Penal”, so that the rigor of criminal Response to Crimes Against tombs as contemplated,: Besides Modalities of Terrorism already known, The New Threats That appears from.

 The new law punishes "with imprisonment of maximum waiting time " than the rest of the staff of the terrorist organization that will kill a person and introduce the offense of passive indoctrination to those one who consult jihadist websites with the aim of a band membership or pursue their fines. 

New Law in order to reduce financial burden. (Real Decreto-ley 1/2015, de 27 de febrero, de mecanismo de segunda oportunidad, reducción de carga financiera y otras medidas de orden social)

   The financial crisis that so many citizens are still suffering has implied a worrying level of debt in Spain, being for them so difficult to face it. The Spanish Government thought it was required to approve by law a Second Chance “Real Decreto- ley”.
In broad strokes, the new Law has been adopted in order to put a corporation, legal entity, and an individual insolvency proceeding on the same level. So, either an employee or a freelance who is facing a debt situation, as long as they are acting  in good faith, will be able to settle the debt using their estate, patrimony, within 5 years.

   This new legislation has been created with the idea of making easier to find an alternative dispute resolution so as to reorganize the outstanding debts and pay them off. Nevertheless, it was a mistery wether if mortgages would be included or not, finally they  have been subjected too.

On the other hand, this “Real Decreto” will not be applied to unpaid taxes which should have been satisfied to the Tax office and the Social Security.

Fiscal Amnesty Inquiries are being investigated for suspected crime of Money Laundering

 In 2012 the Spanish Government surprisingly decided to introduce measures in order to apply a fiscal amnesty and collect taxes from fraud for an amount of 2.500 million of euros. People complaint about it because they had the impression it was an unfair measure.

 Finally, the Spanish Government collected a higher amount of money, around 12.000 billion euros. Nowadays, probably most of the reliable taxpayers must be happy about the fact that the Spanish Tax agency has opened around 357 investigation files and has sent them to SEPLAC in order to find out where money comes from and investigate if the owners of the money could have committed money laundering.
As far as I am concerned, the fiscal amnesty seemed to be a “trap” to these ones who did not pay taxes when they had to and also obtained money from illegal sources, even for funding terrorists.

This measure was a success when it comes to collect taxes but at the same time, it appears to be a failure because it created an atmosphere of distrust, and as a result in the short-term can be effective but not in the long-term to eradicate Money laundering and Tax evasion.

Personal Income Tax in Spain

Corporate Income Tax in Spain

First Spanish Hospitality Reit

   The First REIT specialized in the Hospitality Sector was recently created in Spain as a result of an alliance between Hispania and Barceló, being the last one the major shareholder of the new SOCIMI. This new Socimi called Bay Hotels & Leisure will have Hotels and Shooping Centres around the Spanish Coast.
   As a matter of fact, this new Spanish Reint means a new way to invest in the Real Estate sector. SOCIMI are listed companies whose corporate purpose is either the holding of shares in the capital of their Socimis or the holding of leased urban assets by means of acquisition and developmen.  One of the main advantages is that there is a tax profit because they are subject to zero taxation under Corporate Income Tax and those shoreholders owning at least 5% of the SOCIMI and are taxed on the dividends received at a minum rate of 10%, will be taxed at a rate of 19% on the portion of the distributed dividends.
Furtheremore, in order for a company to qualify as a Socimi, there is a compulsory distribution of dividends as a Socimi is a listed company and at least 80% of their assets must be land for development  of leasable urban properties, shares of other Real Estate Investment Trusts, SOCIMIS or leasable urban properties. In addition, Socimi are a great way to invest in Spain, given the current environmnet of low yields in the markets and the strong devaluation of properties in Spain.

Thersholds of trading of goods between EU Members

On the twenty-seventh of January in 2015  was issued the Order HAP/50/2015, of 21 January, by which thresholds are fixed related to the trading of goods between Member States of the European Union. With this order the threshold for exemption from the obligation to declare, from 250,000 € to 400,000 € is substantially increased, which represents a significant reduction in the administrative burden on small and medium enterprises, but agents must complete the statiscal value of the subject merchandise entering or shipment, considering it a substantial element in the development of the trading with other Member States of the European Union.

Exemption thresholds are referenced as follows:
1. These exemptions apply in the Peninsula and Balearic Islands, when it comes to goods from other Member States of the European Union: € 400,000 invoiced amount accumulated in the preceding year or current.
2. Exports from the Peninsula and Balearic goods to other Member States of the European Union: € 400,000 invoiced amount accumulated in the preceding year or current.

Relevant Legislation
Artículo 13 del Reglamento (CE) n.º 1982/2004 de la Comisión, de 18 de noviembre de 2004, por el que se aplica el Reglamento (CE) n.º 638/2004 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, sobre las estadísticas comunitarias de intercambios de bienes entre Estados miembros, y por el que se derogan los Reglamentos de la Comisión (CE) n.º 1901/2000 y (CEE) n.º 3590/92; artículo 12 del Reglamento (CE) n.º 638/2004 establece que como valor de las mercancías los Estados miembros remitirán el valor estadístico. El artículo 2 del Reglamento (UE) n.º 1093/2013 de la Comisión, de 4 de noviembre de 2013, por el que se modifican el Reglamento (CE) n.º 638/2004 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo y el Reglamento (CE) n.º 1982/2004 de la Comisión en lo referente a la simplificación del sistema Intrastat y la recogida de información para Intrastat.

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